What is CIPD Pestel Analysis?

January 22, 2025

This blog aims to explore the business strategic tool or a framework called Pestel analysis, which is used to evaluate the external environment in which the organisation operates. In this, we will perform this tool’s analysis on an organisation named CIPD, the acronym- Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development. This is here to help the Human Resources Management degree pursuer students and professionals so that they can get a better understanding of the PESTEL Tool. 

What is PESTEL Analysis? 

The pastel analysis is a tool used by the business to get a broad view of the company’s current situation. With the help of this tool, companies evaluate the potential opportunities and threats that may impact their business strategy and further operations. The term PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Environmental, and Legal. In accordance with its name, this operates the evaluation of all these factors or stages and checks whether the attributes related to these factors can harm the business. 

This tool looks at the six areas of any business model which could affect them:

  • Political 
  • Economical
  • Social 
  • Technological 
  • Legal 

How can we perform a pestel analysis of CIPD Organisation? 

This will be an example for all CIPD students and professionals who are pursuing human resources. It will be a guide on how to write a pestle analysis. Here, we have used CIPD as an example firm that will show you that if you need to write an analysis on any organisation, then how can you write it targeting that specific firm. 


The first step of the assessment is the evaluation of all the political factors. We need to state all the political factors that can affect CIPD. 

The political factor of PESTEL works to investigate all the political factors that can negatively affect the corporation and its market. It emphasizes all the government influencing attributes such as: 

Government stability

  • Examine the government stability and its potential impacts on the company’s future trade. 
  • Check the external environment and the impact of political issues on the trade of a company. 
  • Analyses if any potential circumstances can affect the business in future. 
  • It checks the government policy’s influence on the firm, and whether it can harm this in future.

Tax Policies: 

  • Investigate how the government’s taxes and policies can affect the firm’s financial stability and present & future profitability. 
  • Look at the current tax policies and other government stability influences on taxes, such as how the protocols can be manipulated if the government changes.

Regulations and Deregulations 

  • Checks the authoritative regulations and deregulations on factors such as labour laws, environmental restrictions and trade laws.
  • Evaluate the potential tendencies that can alter the current profitability of the association.

Trade Policies: 

  • The government trade policies that specifically target and influence essential operations such as exports, imports, tariffs and trade agreements are examined. 
  • This examination is important as it can majorly affect the firm’s market and the international expansion of a firm which can lead to major issues for businesses that chiefly target international audiences. 

Foreign Relationships: 

  • The government’s bad relationships with other nationalities can result in an obstacle to business expansion. It can affect international business opportunities such as sanctions, partnerships, and international treaties or even manipulate international consumer demands because of the influenced views of our country’s relations.  


This is the second most important factor that needs to be analysed in PESTEL. Here you will examine all the economic factors of the regions where the organisation has franchises. As a professional or an analyst, this will help you to know that economic terms can manipulate the CIPD operations. Below are the main aspects that you need to study in economic terms: 

Economic Growth:

  • Examine national economic growth and contractions deeply as they can affect and manipulate consumer demand for goods and services and impact overall business performance and earnings. 


Inflation Rates:

  • Analyses the inflating or rising prices of the goods and services which can affect consumers’ purchasing power. 
  • Also, check the prices of raw materials with which the company deals as this can affect future profits. 


Unemployment rates:

  • Investigates the level of unemployment in the economy and predicts the future layoffs.
  • This analysis is important as it plays a very crucial role in predicting the purchasing power of the regional customers and probable future trade and profits. 

Wage level:

  • The evaluation of general wage rates in the region from where the company invites employees. The high wage rates can attract efficient talent but can also increase the operational rates for the businesses. 


This is the third most important element in the PESTEL investigation. The social factor examines the cultural aspects that can influence business revenue, supply demands, and market behaviours. Below are all the social elements that you need to inspect for CPID in order to get the best social external insights into CIPD: 

Social Values and Beliefs: 

The fluctuating perceptions of social values and beliefs like environmental consciousness and health consciousness can shape consumer preferences and manipulate market behaviours. 

Lifestyle Trends: 

Constant changes in people’s lifestyles can alter the buyer’s demands. Trends can change, for example, the keto diet trend or any other trend for health wellness. As we are targeting the CIPD organisation here, we can inspect the mindset alterations because of the increased awareness of mental wellness. 

Education levels: 

It is very important to have a deep analysis of the area where you reside in your branch, as it will help interpret your course demands.  

Public Health Concerns 

In the context of PESTEL examining the CIPD institute, you can investigate mental health awareness and other emerging health issues that you can use in beneficial terms for your courses. You can check these regional issues awareness and add certifications or healthy HR practices at the workplace and courses that can influence intellectuals and leave a positive impact on their brains. 

Consumer Behaviours 

Know about the course pattern demands of the youngsters so that you can modify your courses according to their demands and introduce the courses with some innovations along with the traditional ones. 


In this element, you will study the environmental aspects of the client’s mind, as this can influence the consumers and good idea adoption and further implementation can turn into good publicity. 

The key factors that can influence a firm’s market and market reputation: 

Legislation on environmental  standards

Companies should align their policies and regulations with the legislation of environmental standards to avoid any lawful financial penalty.


This is the last but equally important factor which needs to be studied. 

In the legal element phase, we investigate all the legal elements that can be harshly impactful on the association group. 

Following are the few points that need to be analysed: 

  • Employment rights : The employer is required to get clarity about the regional employment rights so that the chances of getting legal notices for employment rights breaching could be eliminated. 
  • Employment contracts: Ensure that the employment contracts of the organisation align with laws. 
  • Retirement and pension laws: As an employer Should contribute to the employee’s retirement and pension plans.

So, this was an example of PESTEL tool analysis, hope this would be helpful for you all to understand. 

Get Help With Your Pestel Analysis In CIPD’s Requested Pattern 

If you are a student or Professional of CIPD and falling short of time or the writing skills to craft your assessments. Or if you are an efficient individual, possessing highly valued knowledge of HR courses but struggling to shape them in a paper then no worries. Our writing experts are here to help you in writing your essay or assessments with a pocket-fit budget. We have a team of UAE native writers with exceptional research and writing skills who will provide you with your tailored essay to submit to CIPD. Do not worry about the levels as our writers can write for any level pursuer. You can visit our website to learn about all of our services and to avail of our services.

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